Slajd 001

„I’m crying for hapiness,
because a miracle happened”

Grażyna Zielińska – a writer, a poet, a businesswoman. Graduated from the Economic Faculty of the Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom and a PhD graduate in Risk Management. The owner of the Mazowsze Broker Agency. Loves travelling. Involved in community work, especially with people with disabilities. Wife, mother and grandmother.

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The Heartfelt Gift

New book by Grażyna Zielińska


A book about the importance of faith. All events result in the creation of a painting of Jesus Christ – an image based on the Author’s vision, shaped by her illness and battle against it, prayers, travels, expectations, hundreds of conversations and visits in extraordinary places. A “gift” can be hard, not always immediately recognised, it can make life more difficult before we recognise it for what it really is. This is what this book is about.

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